We care for your little one’s delicate skin in many different ways 

We believe your precious baby skin deserves the best natural baby coconut oil that is pure and gentle. The only oil your baby will ever need was discovered along the coastal shores of the Phillipines.

This enriched baby coconut oil has not been further refined, bleached, deodorised or tampered with.  

Daily 3-step routine:

  • Rub as a balm for babies after-nappy care
  • Apply and soothe sensitive skin and hair after baths
  • Prepare your baby food using a chemical and additive free oil

What makes our coconut oil different?

The major differentiation from other coconut products is we are socially responsible. Our focus from the proceeds of Baby Coconut oil is to come alongside and collaborate in helping to educate young vulnerable children and women on their health and wellbeing. Predominantly focussing our work in SE Asia. This is an exciting new business model because we are saying no to child exploitation which is one of the scariest and deadliest epidemics of the 21st Century. Children don’t even get the chance to journey into a future they dreamed could become reality but instead are stopped short of their potential to become futures leaders for their generation!


Nutritional Profile

One whole white coconut contains roughly 140 calories, 28 grams of carbohydrates, 2 grams fiber, 3 grams fat, and 2 grams of protein. Contains 50% of your Daily Recommended Allowance (DRA) of manganese, 15% of your DRA of potassium, and 6% DRA of magnesium. One whole brown coconut contains roughly 1405 calories (no, that is NOT a typo!), 60 grams of carbohydrates, 36 grams of fiber, 133 grams of fat, and 13 grams of protein. Keep in mind, it would be difficult to eat an entire raw coconut in one day! Contains 67% of your RDA of manganese (which helps metabolize both fat and protein). High in potassium with minimal levels of folate, copper,and calcium. Contains negligible amounts of Vitamins C, E, K, B-6 and more.

As a Natural Beauty Product

A completely pure and natural skin and hair care for mummy’s growing tummy and her Babies

Coconut oil is an excellent natural massage oil for your bump and all the little ones. We have seen great results from using coconut oil on our children before bed. Coconut oil often helps prevent dryness and flaking.

Many mothers use coconut oil to treat various skin problems including eczema and other skin infections.

The purest, gentlest and most natural way of caring for baby’s skin

The closest properties to breastmilk are found in the oil of coconuts called lauric acid. This makes it easily absorbable and perfect for your little ones.

Our premium organic coconut oil is also loaded with antifungal, antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiviral properties – which is why Kashebo is healing, soothing and protecting to your baby’s sensitive skin.


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